4 Habits of Top Real Estate Agents

Getting started in a white-hot real estate market can make it seem like real estate is an easy gig for anyone to jump into. Nothing could actually be further from the truth!

It is easy to make a sale when people are clamoring to outbid other clients on the same property. Top real estate agents, however, were not crafted in hot markets. If you want to have sticking power, you need to perform like a professional and as soon as possible.

You need to learn how to be an effective real estate agent. See these top tips from agents who know what they’re doing in any kind of market condition!

Top real estate agents

1. Be a Value Creator.

Yes, it is true that the clients are coming to you because they want to purchase a property, but you have the opportunity to become so much more than a broker of properties.

In many ways, you are a problem solver, an educator, and a networker for clients who are moving into a new neighborhood or starting a new business. By creating value with the sale, you are cementing a relationship built on trust and knowledge that clients will prioritize for years to come.

Remember, an agent’s number one source of leads is word of mouth from previous clients. You become word of mouth by creating value, not just generating a sale.

2. Shake off the Salesman Persona.

People don’t like a “used car salesman” approach, and you will get much further by developing a professional attitude that isn’t focused on closing the deal. You want to create trust and trust leads to the perception of the value of your services.

Think of all the other types of support you offer that are related to the sale and focus on how you project those traits. After all, you can connect others with needed services, education, and insights into their own situations.

You are a teacher, a coach, and a salesman all wrapped up in one professional package. Make sure you consider how you are dressing and the quality of your online presence as well. You want to project these qualities through every avenue of your work. Be of service to your clients.

Tip #3 Always Be Honest.

The first bit of advice from the pros relates to property flaws. New agents sometimes feel that downplaying a property’s flaws is the best way to generate a sale, but it leads to a feeling of mistrust in the event of an inspection bringing the reality to light.

Clients who feel you knew about a problem and kept it from them will never come back. Worse, clients may also decide you should have known about the problem and assume you’re incompetent! Being honest is always the best option.

The pros point out another area where honesty really leads to good results in the long run. Sometimes a property is really just not the right fit for the client. If you build value into your brand and you are more than just a salesperson, you will develop insight into your clients that will tell you right away if this property is really just not the best deal for them.

Being able to communicate that insight to clients will not only save them heartache and cash, but it will create a lifelong customer for you who will go on to brag about you to others.

Tip #4 Be Prepared & Educated.

Right now, the markets are white-hot nearly everywhere, but a seasoned pro will tell you that is not always the case. An established agent can also teach you how to predict when the winds are getting ready to change, so you might want to get yourself a mentor!

Markets will not always be super-hot. There will be times when challenges will be given to you – solve them anyway, no matter how boring. Do the work to provide the highest level of service no matter what the market conditions are.

This is just as important to remember if you’re currently riding “on top” of the wave as if you are starting at the bottom. Go in with the attitude that you are helping people, educating them, and providing them a valuable service, and that your reputation depends on these facts.

The truth is your reputation does, in fact, depend on these facts, even if you’re a top agent.

Be an Effective Real Estate Agent
These tips essentially have one thing in common, and that is taking a look at the job of real estate agent and turning it on its head. Take advice from top real estate agents.

Instead of seeing yourself as a salesman or being blinded by a great market that could change at any moment, effective real estate agents and top performers, have built a reputation that has gone far beyond selling properties.

They are known as value creators, problem solvers, and educators in the field. They have staying power beyond a strong market because they understand how to deliver this value to clients. You can become a top performer as well by reimagining yourself in this role!