How to Generate Real Estate Leads Online

Nearly every home buyer will spend at least some time searching online for a new home at one point or another.  You must have a website, and you must have an online presence.  Multiple resources are available to help you make the most of your online presence and help you to learn how to generate real estate leads online.  How do you entice more customers?  The tips below have been designed to lead you to more creative ways of using available tools to generate more real estate leads online.

10 Tips on How to Get Real Estate Leads from a Website

1. Create more landing pages.

Add more landing pages to your website.  Recent studies have shown that websites with 30 landing pages or more typically acquire seven times more leads than those websites with five or fewer landing pages.  When you add more landing pages, make them valuable, though – don’t just add more landing pages just to be adding them.  Make them count; make sure they speak to a potential customer’s interest.  

They need to be of worth to those who are reading and looking at them.  For instance, you could make a Portfolio landing page where you can showcase the past homes you’ve sold and list any other accomplishments that relate to the real estate field.  You can also make a Thank You landing page, which you can connect to a free eBook or another bonus gift through a shareable button.

2. Personalize your call-to-action text.

You can customize your website so that it can personalize your call-to-action text to match the specific interests of each potential client.  Information can be gathered about other websites they have visited, and you can personalize your content to match what they’ve shown an interest in.  Websites that utilize this strategy can generate over 40 percent more leads.

3. Employ a user-friendly approach.

You definitely want your website to be user-friendly.  If it’s difficult to navigate through or doesn’t flow well, you’ve lost no telling how many potential customers.  When you optimize your website, you will be improving its performance.  When your website is fine-tuned to reach its highest potential, customers will like what they see.  

You will also want your website to be navigated through quickly and easily, with fast page-loading speeds. To do so, you should look to hire a professional web developer to assist you.

4. Include a live chat.

This is a great feature because with phone calls, it can often take more time to actually reach you.  A live chat is instant – instant awareness that they are on your page.  A live chat says, “Hi!  I am here!  How can I help you?”  You get noticed instantly and that can make people think more favorably of you.  They are then more likely to turn to you for your expertise in the real estate space.  They know they have gotten your attention when a live chat pops up.  

5. Write articles and post them to your website’s blog.

Blog posts that are in-depth and greater than 1,000 words typically get more attention and more traffic than shorter blogs.  Blogs are a very powerful tool and are one of the best ways to generate more traffic on your website.  The content must be high quality and provide value to the potential customer to keep them reading and coming back for more.  Statistics say that nearly 70 percent of blogs produce more leads than those without blogs.  Blogging can make customers feel more engaged with your specific brand.

6. Offer virtual tours.

Especially in 2020 amid the Covid-19 pandemic, virtual tours are hugely important.  Statistics report that more than 50 percent of home buyers find their new homes online.  A virtual tour of a property will give you a big advantage to selling that home.  Virtual touring has made so many improvements over the years that you now get to see a 360-degree tour of each room and space.  

User-friendly adaptations can allow potential home buyers to get a virtual look at almost every nook and cranny in the home.  The virtual tour can make it seem like they are actually walking through the home.  This first look can give home buyers a good idea if they would be interested in physically touring the property.

7. Consider PPC advertising.

Pay-per-click advertising can help you to more accurately target the clients who might be most interested in your services and who might benefit the most.  It’s a good way to get noticed and get a prospective home buyer’s attention.  For a relatively small amount of your advertising budget, PPCs can generate a lot of return traffic on your investment.

8. Leverage social media.

Instagram is a favorite app to share quality photos and images of new homes for sale.  You can also post your latest blog content there.  Social media is a great way to help you diversify your communication strategy.  Remember Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter, too; they all serve an individual purpose. Here are 50 examples of real estate social media posts.

If you don’t think you have time to stay on top of your social media activities every day, you can hire quality writers to help you, and you can also take advantage of Hootsuite. Hootsuite is a program that can schedule your posts ahead of time, so you can be in more than one place at a time.  Hop around on social media, and get your name and your brand noticed.

9. Start a podcast.

Podcasts are an ideal way to get your name and your brand to be present in full view.  Podcasts are becoming more and more popular, especially among Millennials, who are the largest demographic of home buyers right now.  What can you talk about in a podcast?  You can discuss the latest trends in real estate, insider tips of the trade, how the economy is looking now and into the near future, etc.  Again, just make sure you are giving those listening tidbits that are going to be valuable to them.

10. Send emails.

An email campaign is yet another great way of generating more real estate leads online.  First and foremost, you need quality content.  Give potential home buyers information they can really use in practical ways.  Things to include might be property listings you’ve just sold, updates on new local development, local market information, or tips on buying a home in the current economy.

Homes & Land is a great place to start that can assist your lead generation efforts in the digital space. Homes & Land helps keep the focus on you, your listings, and your brand.  They can help elevate your ideas into action.  Homes & Land is focused on helping you build stronger relationships with your clients and future potential home buyers.  Learn more about what Homes & Land can do to maximize your marketing efforts to generate more leads in the digital space.