Real Estate Seller Leads: 7 Ways to Get Them

As a real estate professional, leads are the lifeblood of your business. It’s not enough to have a few hot prospects – you need an entire pipeline of possibility and potential on which to draw in order to run a successful and sustainable business. The quest to generate seller leads in real estate is ongoing; how do you get started?

Likely, you already are started! But are you seeing the results you want – and need? If not, focus on these:

7 Ways to Get Real Estate Seller Leads

1. Build Partnerships 

If you’re a real estate seller, you’re a networking pro. If leads are the lifeblood, relationships are the heart. First, work on establishing strategic partnerships with local, complimentary businesses, including insurance companies, personal bankers/lenders, landscaping companies, cleaning services, staging experts, and… bakeries. Yes, bakeries. From sweet treats for open houses to “keep me in mind” gifts, they may just be your best friends!

Ways to leverage these partnerships:

  • Co-host happy hours
  • Send gifts to clients and leads
  • Give referrals that add value to leads 
  • Encourage sellers to take advantage of professional services, like cleaning and landscaping, to boost appeal and value
  • Host an educational event that answers FAQs

2. Nurture Relationships

Additionally, you will want to nurture relationships with clients and leads. For example, if a client with a large network moved into their new home, cater a housewarming party for them (well drinks and appetizers are worth their weight in gold!). You may meet connections who are at a similar stage and looking for a real estate professional to help them navigate it. And always send “thank you’s” to clients and leads. Remember that baker!

3. Provide a Personal Touch 

While digital tools are essential, don’t neglect more “old school” methods to generate seller leads in real estate. One simple way to do this is to send a simple, yet genuine, handwritten note. Skip the email, buy custom cards, and thank clients for choosing you. Let them know that you’re always there to answer questions or help with any quandaries. We are all inundated with emails and digital communications; people still like a tangible piece of mail. It resonates.

4. Always Be… Advertising

We’re familiar with the famous adage: “Always Be Closing.” Before you can close the deals, though, people need to know who you are. First and foremost, make sure you have a user-friendly, attractive, and clean website. If you have an existing site, give it an audit to ensure it’s working effectively and efficiently for your business. Other advertising avenues include:

  • Billboards 
  • Social media ads (Facebook and LinkedIn are particularly important for your market)
  • Google ads
  • Answer questions on Quora and other forums
  • Local newspaper ads
  • Blogs for your website and local/national real estate websites (establish yourself as the authority in your space)

Make sure your name precedes you. Advertising is a fundamental way to establish a reputation and ensure you are top of mind for potential clients.


5. Implement a Video Marketing Strategy

Creating original, authentic, and informative content for your website is key. You can share this across social platforms as well. And don’t forget video content! Real estate is a highly visual space. A simple idea: visit a local landmark in your area. Highlight two properties that sold recently. This gives viewers an indication of the market and serves to remind them that you are up to date on the latest real estate news and trends. Your call to action is to have viewers contact you to inquire about sold properties or determine their own home’s value.

6. Don’t Let Real Estate Seller Leads Linger

A mortal sin of real estate is neglecting leads. You’ve worked for them – so why not take the next steps? For example, if a buyer has seen a property three times, don’t throw that relationship away just because they’re not ready to buy (yet). Keep in touch: send postcards with neighborhood/market news, send informational and relevant emails, etc. Tailor your approach: don’t close every conversation with “So, ready to buy yet?” A lead who gives a soft yes will respond better to, “We’re having an informational webcast. Please join us; we think you’d be interested.”

7. Leverage Homes & Land

Homes & Land connects clients with reputable, experienced real estate professionals – like you. When you advertise with us, you keep the spotlight on you and your listings. You can cut through the clutter of competition and establish strong relationships with leads and clients. With our robust, innovative platform, you can build a strong network, establish your authority in your market, and, ultimately, boost your bottom line. The real estate industry moves at a lightening fast pace: we help you keep up – and get ahead.

To generate seller leads in real estate, work smarter, not harder. Get started with Homes & Land today.